Deep dish pancake

Deep dish pancake

Deep dish pancake (Banaleda adde)
Deep dish pancake
(Banaleda adde)


Popularly known as ‘Banaleda adde’ in my hometown, Mangalore

Banale means ‘Deep dish’ and Adde means any ‘rice based dish’.

The caramalised onions are what give it the nice flavor.

Leave a comment if you would like to know the recipe πŸ™‚

Green Gram Juice

Green Gram Juice

Green Gram Juice


The perfect health drink…tasty and filling!

Here’s the recipe:

Green Gram Juice

1. Dry roast the greem gram.

2.Soak in water for about 2 hours

3. Grind it to a fine paste with some water.

4. Now add jaggery, grated coconut (optional) and elaichi and blend again.

5. Now add enough water to get a thick milkshake like consistency.

Chill it and enjoy this summer!!